Where we operate
VicForests operates in two geographically separate defined forest areas (DFA), the Eastern DFA and the Western DFA.
Eastern defined forest area (DFA)
The areas in which we plan our operations in the Eastern DFA have been allocated to us by a government Allocation Order, or via special authorisation.
The Allocation Order, as amended in 2019, is made by the Minister for Agriculture under Part 3 of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004.
In this DFA we can only operate outside of the Allocation Order if we are issued a Forest Produce Licence issued under section 52 of the Forests Act 1958 by the Minister for the Environment or delegate.
In the Eastern DFA the primary forest management units include:
ash species
high elevation mixed species
low elevation mixed species
coastal mixed species.
Western defined forest area (DFA)
The forests in the Western DFA are not covered by the Allocation Order. These forests require the issuing of a Forest Produce Licence prior to harvesting. These are issued under section 52 of the Forests Act 1958 by the Minister for the Environment or delegate.
In the Western DFA primary forest management units include:
low elevation mixed species
coastal mixed species
red gum
box ironbark
ash species (blackwood).